bk has 'a lot of stuff he should be working on' so he called at 5.09 tonight and asked if we could trade for tomorrow. *le whatever, this happens every week anyway* that said, kids went willingly last night and seemed to have had a good time at the park with him.
d is outta town for the weekend (this is the longest we've been apart since january, ha!) on the annual man-trip. sounds like debauchery to me. photos to follow, you can be assured. ;D hope you boys are having fun!
miss p had her last day of school yesterday. she missed the kindergarten cutoff by just a couple of weeks so she'll be in pre-k for another year. i can't believe this kid is almost 4.5. speaking of big kids, lorenzo is talking so much. full sentences; he'll be two in a month.
lest you think that b and i have forgotten about the chocolate business...we are working hard. we were approved for a line of credit and a loan this week. we talked today with someone today about accepting credit cards (do we need a machine, how to set up a website, percentage rates (who knew there was so much to learn?) and more). amanda, we chose verisign/paypal in honor of you. can you hook a girl up? now, WE NEED A WEB DESIGNER. anyone, bueller? bueller? someone who is familiar with setting up sites with online shopping carts. we wanna be able to track inventory... we're ready to go! help us out! drop us an email. we'll put your picture on the blog! we're po', can we pay you in chocolate? have i mentioned that WE NEED A WEB DESIGNER? email us.
d is outta town for the weekend (this is the longest we've been apart since january, ha!) on the annual man-trip. sounds like debauchery to me. photos to follow, you can be assured. ;D hope you boys are having fun!
miss p had her last day of school yesterday. she missed the kindergarten cutoff by just a couple of weeks so she'll be in pre-k for another year. i can't believe this kid is almost 4.5. speaking of big kids, lorenzo is talking so much. full sentences; he'll be two in a month.
lest you think that b and i have forgotten about the chocolate business...we are working hard. we were approved for a line of credit and a loan this week. we talked today with someone today about accepting credit cards (do we need a machine, how to set up a website, percentage rates (who knew there was so much to learn?) and more). amanda, we chose verisign/paypal in honor of you. can you hook a girl up? now, WE NEED A WEB DESIGNER. anyone, bueller? bueller? someone who is familiar with setting up sites with online shopping carts. we wanna be able to track inventory... we're ready to go! help us out! drop us an email. we'll put your picture on the blog! we're po', can we pay you in chocolate? have i mentioned that WE NEED A WEB DESIGNER? email us.