i'll sell you a diamond ring, my friend if it makes you feel alright.

yesterday i went to put on my koru jade pendant that b gave me for christmas and dropped it. it got a tiny hairline crack in it and i about shot myself for being so stupid. i took it to the local jeweler who said he'd have the lapidary see what he could do. it wasn't actually broken but i was worried that if i wore it, the stress from the chain might finish the job. anyway, they decided the best thing to do would be to set it in sterling silver at a price of $300. wouldn't you know it, when i brought my engagement ring in, sans the pre-civil war diamond, the weight of the platinum was worth $288.70. i asked him if he'd give me three hundred for it (it'll be melted down) and he obliged. it hurt me not one little bit to see that setting for the last time. the wedding ring and the diamond are sitting in my safe for parker if she ever wants them. i thought that i'd be upset in some symbolic way, but i feel free of something that i didn't know was weighing me down. plus, i'll soon have a really beautiful (and meaningful) piece of jewelry that i can wear every day. thank you b for your friendship this past year. you (and d and amanda and my parents and grandparents and on and on) have helped me define what's important to me.