the natives are restless and uh, crazy too as it turns out (but still dead sexy) or JD why don't you ever leave me any love???

did you know that 'full grooming services geared toward men' are severely lacking in the united states? are you as appalled as i am? all the men i know crave establishments a little more masculine, a little more attentive and upbeat than a barbershop or supercuts. lovely readers of my blog, i give you foxy avenue clips, the local answer to this nationwide problem. thank. gawd.

yes, at foxy a buzz cut will run you $29. and a foxy signature shave will cost $37.50. but you will get a total grooming experience for the 21st century man. oh yeah, and a little hottie who might put her biddies in your face. seriously! check out the website. i found the whole thing a bit demeaning to women and... *wait for it* men too. i mean sure, go to a strip club. really, i have no issue with stripping or even consensual pornography. and i've got no beef with barbers and stylists. but why mix the two? why talk to men like all they really crave in life is a woman in fishnets and stilettos with a straight edge razor blade at their throats? oh wait, i just realized something. nevermind!