let it die

groovin' on feist (thanks again bookmobile). i think i like her more up-tempo stuff but the whole the reminder cd is pleasant to listen to. i'd classify this as good makeout music, you know in theory, er...

yesterday d and the kids and i went and hung out with some friends to watch hockey/baseball/basketball (sharks: lost. giants: lost. warriors: lost. not a good day for local sports fans but the pizza was good!). these are guys that d has been friends with since he moved up from la (11th grade) and that i've known (but not really spent time with) since grade school. i kept thinking to myself who would have guessed i'd be here a year or two or ten ago? i'm doing things that i apparently missed out on (okay, i didn't really miss out on bud light) and socializing with people that i care a lot about.

one of the guys there didn't recognize me immediately and apparently when i stepped out for a bit he turned to d and said 'woah, that's celeste? isn't she with r?" "nope, she's with me now." apparently his eyes bugged out. for so so long i was r's girlfriend (he wasn't always bk- the past tense of bk is r) and then r's wife and then the mother of r's children. (incidentally, i'm desperately trying to avoid being just r's ex-wife for all of eternity...) anyway, i realize more and more that i'm not actually a shy person; i just settled for the background most of the time with r. i think people thought of me as standoffish and as it turns out, most people who know him think r is/was really arrogant.