on how, with music, you can be right back there in a blue convertable that your father owned for 10 days

so as you may have gathered from yesterday's post things were resolved with the tax man and i signed a form releasing the divorce case from dcss so that it can be resolved/finalized. when i asked the paralegal yesterday what else needs to be done she said, 'nothing. we'll send you the papers when we get them! it should be before friday.' i let out a little inadvertent giggle. 'really, that's it?' 'yep.' so there you have it. i guess, since i didn't burst into tears or something, i'm happy. not sad. not in shock. not confused. just happy. or content or something. i asked them to call me and let me know the day, nah the moment, they get the paperwork so i know which day to celebrate without having to wait until i get the papers. :)

also, i'm going to talk to bk about switching visitation to something a bit more traditional )an every other weekend thing with an overnight possibly). with p starting kindergarten next year, this late weeknight thing isn't really going to work. i hear tell that he and his girlfriend are planning to move (locally) into a less expensive place and i'm hoping hoping hoping that they choose something with some room for the kids. now that i'm convinced that he's a relatively stable, non-child theiving person, i'm beginning to want him to take on a slightly larger role in their lives. the kids spend the night at my mom's house and at my dad and step-mom's house with no problem whatsoever. i don't see why things would be any different at their dad's house, unless they're just not made to feel welcome. and therein lies the rub. let me just put this out there to the universe and whomever: i want bk to have a partner that loves and takes an interest in my children. i want someone who wants to meet me because i'm a reasonable and kind person. i want that for my kids because they're amazing people and they deserve as much love as possible in their lives. yah?