mogging flolly

d and mr. jones (he's here for another week) and i went downtown for the concert in the park. huge crowd there to see the irish alternative band flogging molly. $6 dos equis, giant polish dog, lots of jumping around- a good time was had by all. we met up with d's business partner and his wife and all had a drink afterwards. :)

p and 'renzo went to my grandparent's house on monday instead of with bk.

yesterday p was really unsure about going with bk. she decided she wouldn't go and then wound up going, but crying. she called me about 7.30 and said she wanted to come home. i told her i'd have to call grammy 'cause i was out. she said she wanted to be dropped at grammy's. bk said, 'you'd rather go with grammy than be with me?' she said yes. he dropped both kids off at my mom's around 8.30, told p she was 'fine.' both kids came home hungry. p hadn't eaten.