the one where the sheets get changed and there're terrible kinks in the hose

so. bk calls at 12.45 to confirm we're on as per usual. um, yepper.

so. bk calls yesterday at 3.30 to see if he can pick the kids up early, like between 5.30 and 5.45 because he has errands to run (at six specifically) and if he 'doesn't get them early then it's going to have to be late.' sure, whatevs. get 'em 15 minutes early.

so. bk calls at 5.25. uh, he's running late and it's going to have to be late afterall, not early. ooh, righty-o. what's up? 'ya know, lots of stuff to get ready for going out of town. so is 6.30 or 6.45 okay? uh, well no. not really you know. ah shucks. parker do you want to talk to your dad? yes she wants to talk but no, she doesn't really want to go, now or later this evening. 'i really need your help with this. i don't understand. we do fun stuff. i (not she) need to see her whether she wants to come or not.' uh, i've been following your lead and trying not to make a big deal out of it. it seems like if we make a big deal it WILL be a big deal. is there something you'd like me to do? i think she felt ripped off yesterday because you said you'd take her swimming and then you took her on errands instead. (i got the feeling from the whole conversation that he was feeling insecure or butthurt or something and needed to be reassured, let off the hook...) blah blah blah 'how about if i bring a sandwhich over for the kids at like 7 or 7.30 and stay at your house and eat and play for a half hour?' honestly, that will interrupt our evening. we'll either have already eaten dinner or will be eating dinner at that point. how about this: i need to take a shower now. why don't you come over for 20 minutes NOW and play? that way i can rinse off and you can see the kids for a few before you leave for your trip. 'no. i can't right now. *deep sigh* how about i call you later tonight and see if you're around. if it works, great. if not, that's fine too.' okay. talk to you later.

so. no call.