random acts of kindness and to clarify

1) a lovely mdc mama who lives SO near me pm'd me and asked if we can use some size four dresses (gap, hannah anderson, rebecca rags) for miss p. and why yes, we can. and why thank you, you're incredible and it came at the exact right time. and why i love you mdc, let me count the ways.

2) miss p's preschool teacher left a backpack with two leap pad computers and a whole bunch of games in her cubby for parks and 'renz. thank you miss tiffany. i'm not sure why you chose us out of 39 other families but we appreciate it so so so much. i'm sorry if my hug caught you totally off guard. your gesture caught me completely off guard.

3) on the way to school this morning i witnessed a bad accident (t-bone, airbags deployed stretchers, etc.) thank you to the gazillion people that stopped, called the police, and cared for the very scared and beat up ladies in the cars instead of just driving off. and thank you to whomever for stopping the spinning prius before it hit us. it seemed thisclose.

4) and to the person who said to me what he said to me without prompting and merely moments before i said it myself: thank you. you are beautiful and i'm so lucky to know you.

and a list of another sort so as to avoid confusion, or possible to add to it. the cast of characters is as follows:

1) b is my business partner (chocolate) and friend. my dad introduced us and he used to work with bk and miss bk.

2) d is the single father that i've gone on a few dates with. we went to high school together and re-met at a middle-eastern dinner party a few weeks ago. he owns a business also, but not a chocolate business. he is a friend of my dear friend j.

3) j is the one that just took the bar exam (law, not the drinking type!) a few months ago and is working with b and i on our legal issues.

4) b and i have legal issues related to our business, not my pending divorce.

5) i am divorcing r/bk/hey assface. never been married to b or d or j!

6) that jerky single dad guy that i referred to a couple days ago is NOT d. that is some weirdo from a child's birthday party, not a middle-eastern business party.

7) see now, don't you feel better?