i am aware now

yesterday was extreeeeeeemely mellow as the kids were snotting out there face orifices and generally just whining a lot. we didn't even set foot outside (we're having another warmish spell, surprise). 'renzo has been on a solid food strike for the last few days so we've been nursing pretty much around the clock. lemme tell you, it takes a lot more milk to satiate a 25+ pound 15 month old than it does a newborn... (in case you're keeping score i've been nursing (at least one child (and yes, p weaned)) for 1360 days or 3 years 8 months). the last two nights lorenzo has woken up at about two and been awake and fussy for about 2.5-3 hours. ohmygod i'm tired, my kids are typically good sleepers and i'm so not used to this, especially after a relatively fun-filled weekend.

r and i were supposed to have a mediation session today but he had to cancel it because he might be getting a call about a job. *rolls eyes* he brought us dinner last night (at my request) at least and stayed for about 45 minutes.

later b and i watched this two hour documentary (?) called zeitgeist, the movie (zeitgeist is a german expression that translates to "spirit of the age). it is a film in three parts: part 1 deals with christianity and it's possible roots in paganism; part two deals with a 9/11 inside job theory; part three deals with the international bankers. the conclusion ties the three together and talks about one world government and microchipping... we were both riveted and i'm not sure why exactly. the unnamed maker of the film says on his/her website "it is my hope that people will not take what is saidin the film as the truth, but find out for themselves, for truth is not told, it is realized." i have absolutely no clue how accurate the info in the movie is but it did what i believe it set out to do, it made me think.

thanks austin for the recommendation!