knock me over...

lying fuck. he introduced them to auntie buzzkill tonight and i found out from our daughter. he didn't have the goddamn balls to tell me to my face that he was going to do it. "auntie buzzkill said she's going to buy me presents! auntie buzzkill says this...and that!" the thought of that home-wrecking bitch (allow me my 5 minutes please) and vile scumsucking piece-of-shit playing house with the kids who are only fun when they aren't snotting or whining or requiring any REAL work, my baby boy that he barely even knows... if i had any reason to believe that his sudden interest was about anything other that impressing his friends. if he would bother to finish what he started. if he would bother to give me more than TWO hundred FUCKING dollars a month. if only if only if only.

there. it's done. i'm going to bed.