because both kids are sick and kept me up a ton last night and i'm generally not feeling creative, okay?

1. Does someone love you?

yes, of course

2. What color is your couch?

black, burgundy, greens, blues, yellows

3. Has anyone ever mistaken you for someone famous?

not that i know of

4. Are you named after a grandparent?


5. Say you were given a drug test right now. Would you pass or fail?

i'd pass

6. Are you taller than 5'6"?

a smidge

7. When was the last time you were disappointed?

haha. funny.

8. Ever seen a dead body?

yes, viewed an autopsy in college, went to the bodies exhibit in seattle and when i said goodbye to my grandpa tony - all good experiences

9. Who was the last person to send you a text message?

b, last night

10. What did you do yesterday?

hung around with sick kids, tried (rather unsucessfully) to take a nap

11. What’s the first thing you would do with five million dollars?

support myself and tell r to piss off, then fund cacao

12. What nationalit(ies) are you?

sicilian, italian (yes, there is a difference), irish

13. Any upcoming concerts you want to attend?

jose gonzalez in sf next monday

14. Who’s the last person that you felt was stalking you?


15. What’s your zodiac sign?


16. Where do you spend most of your money?

keeping my kids and self fed, clothed and sheltered

17. On what do you spend most of your energy

staying afloat in the midst of this divorce crap, caring for my kids, cacao

18. Is there a secret you've never told any of your friends?


19. What are you doing in 2008?

anything i want

20. What’s your favorite Disney movie?


21. Have you cried today?


23. What is your ringtone?

melody 2 and melody 7 depending on who is calling ;o)

24. What is the wallpaper on your mobile phone?

miss p & 'renzo