facinating new thing

hopefully no one is screaming for me 'cause i can't hear them with these headphones on (i'm surprised that you've never been told before / that you're lovely and you're perfect / and that somebody wants you) and i might just be stuck in 1996 for the rest of the day.

b and i went downtown to the entrepreneurial center and were greeted by a woman who immediately confessed that she had hiccups and might make an odd noise in the middle of her explanation. i was a little disappointed when she went through the whole thing with not so much as a peep from her esophagus or diaphragm or where ever it is that hiccups come from. anyway, she was able to give us a bunch of information which i think was supposed to clarify some stuff but that actually confused the crap out of me (us? i think?). so most of it is stuff i've been vaguely aware of cause you know, i bought a book on all this crap about 2 months ago, but i think a lot of it was a surprise to b since he's been so focused on the creative parts. there is SO much to do. it's really a shame we aren't selling yarmulkes (see random siamese above left and you cannot even imagine how many google images there are of pets in yarmulkes) or golf memorobilia or something. the fact that we're selling food means that we have to consider things like what we would do if someone died from eating our chocolate. i don't want to lose my house/car/etc. over someone barfing up a macaroon.

as far as yesterday's post ... i know it was verbose, and vague. i'm trying to respect his privacy by not sharing any unnecessary details. things were very comfortable today and i'm happy for that. maybe we'll celebrate kwanzaa. in any case, we're still planning our trip to the raw spirit festival in sedona. i want to meet markus rothkranz because i envy his zexy hair! (see photo above right) ;o) kidding.

more later!