last of, who am i kidding? this is california, we've got loads more summer!
it's kind of cool how when you boil your life down to the bare necessities it actually becomes easier to find joy. when you have nothing (or less than you're used to) everything is a bonus. so: i'm glad i got to see my friend and her kids this morning even though it was brief and we spent most of the time trying to prevent lorenzo from clobbering (hugging) her daughter. and i'm thankful for the nice man in the red nissan pickup that smiled at me when i was driving this afternoon (you looked so sincere!). that really stoked me. and i'm happy that b's sister talked to me for 15 minutes about the creative writing class she's taking. it made me remember how awesome my first poetry writing class was at scu. and i felt pretty fortunate that b and i found a parking space right in front of the building we went to downtown and even though we forgot to pay the meter (yokels much?) that we didn't get a ticket. and i'm glad that the ugly statuary place went out of business (ha!) so that a space was made for a great outdoor mexican restaurant where i had a lovely shrimp ceviche tostada and mango horchata for lunch. and i'm grateful that my dad babysat for me again this week and that i've loosened up enough not to mind the corn silk on the kitchen floor, the oil spatter from cooking potstickers, the missing blocks, screaming (and vaguely dirty) children, the fact that it's getting dark earlier these days. i'm also thankful that 4 of my 5 oldest friends randomly called me in the last two days (amanda, forrest, austin, mike and where you at emily?).