beauty * purpose * balance

a few things:

1) prayers and healing thoughts for the virginia tech community. i've watched a lot of cnn over the last few days and honestly don't love the media so much. i witnessed so many students being pressured to say that they were mad at how their university handled the situation. literally hours after the shootings they were trying to stir up a controversy. and maybe there was/will/should be one, but really, let's give these people a few days to process what happened.

2) i was so sad to hear earlier in the week that my favorite author kurt vonnegut passed away.
Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward.

3) the kids and i had a nice lunch yesterday with r's aunt jan. more on that from home.

4) i'm scared to go home and face what i have to face. namely divorce papers.