thankfully there is a foggy day in san francisco. a day off of school. a delivery to my favorite little chocolate shop in noe valley. back-to-school night. thankfully there is a new phone. a fried chicken sandwich with austin. a cactus garden. better than expected coffee. a long nap. thankfully there is a vacation on the horizon. a holiday. a few *big* birthdays. skinny jeans on my skinny little girl. grown up conversation. bucket lists (live in the city for at least a year). tumultuous change. teaching eduardo to read. thankfully there is a boy who responds to "yum!" with: it's good, but not as good as my mama's chocolate because NOTHING is as good as snake & butterfly. father's afraid of getting old and being a burden. trim thighs from goofy shoes. a man that requires a good back scrubbing in the shower. people i look forward to seeing at the market every week - people that bring me honey or flowers or cupcakes or their great dating adventures. thankfully there is a now defunct satellite that may shatter over our country tonight. a comfortable ebb and flow. deep discussions about the social and biological implications of marriage - and divorce. thankfully there are things to plan. an infant not my own. a perpetual forward motion. a spider that built its web on my side mirror, there, every morning for the past week. a pediatrician that suggests throwing rocks. thankfully there is cotton candy.