slowly, but slowly

whew. wow, mailed out all of the chocolate yesterday. if you placed an order it should most certainly be there by friday. ben and i made fully enrobed marshmallows rolled in all natural coconut flakes. if you like mounds, or anything along those lines, these will blow you away. also, we're doing chocolate dipped macadamia nuts. you know the ones you get on the plane to hawaii? yeah, way better because the chocolate isn't made of wax. check for them on the website tomorrow. also, pictures of the products are slowly migrating to the (goddamn short daylight hours!)

so as for what's up with bk and the child support: we agreed that he's to give me $x00 on the 15th of each month & $x00 on the 30th of each month. and also he's to give me y% of his bonuses and commission checks. and he owes me $1z,000 in back support which is due within 3 years. the $xoo figure will be reassessed (and increased) in february to bring support up to the dissomaster figure. i'm satisfied with this agreement and can't believe that he actually paid me on time and in full and, for some unexplained reason: in cash. uh?

this made me very happy last saturday. justin timberlake's true calling is comedy. i'm just sayin' is all...

is anyone else watching hbo's true blood? d and i are TOTALLY hooked. at first i was all about bill, but now, i have to admit that i'm feeling sam with sookie. and dear god, thank god amy died; she was really getting on our nerves...