strange apparitions

so there have been some interesting developments (on the bk front) in the last few days that i desperately want to share, but can't. i'm not sure which way it'll swing but i seriously suspect it will be in the kids' favor. all the niceties have been, uh, nice but probably just because court is coming up in october. ah well, as long as i know that i'll make use of it. basically we haven't seen much have him at all in the past month or so, just a day or two a week. and then yesterday, i start hearing stuff through the grapevine again and i'm doing that thing i do where i hear these awful responses that i could make to any number of provocations ('well, you should have thought of that before you started banging a married man with two children' 'as i recall, you're the one who left.' 'when you start giving a damn about them, i'll stop telling everyone what a scum bag you are.') the upside is that we've come to a verbal agreement (i know, i know) about the house that we're both happy about.