my new favorite toy

did you ever wonder what 6000 feet (2 x 3000") of 2 mil poly tubing (intended for chocolate packaging) looks like? wonder no more folks! that's right, we can now package 18,000 bars (1 bar = 4 inches long : that's 3 bars/foot : 3 x 3000 x 2 = 18,000) . . . hope ya'll are hungry. one whole corner of the living room is filled with chocolate and chocolate paraphernalia waiting patiently for our location and insurance policy to be ready.
assuming the ginormo-melanger is here within a few days we plan to be online by october 1st and at a few farmer's markets by november 1st. the website looks awesome and i'm tempted to give you a preview but i don't wanna be a tease. we're so close now; we can taste it. which is unfortunate because i'm ruined for chocolate already. ;)

as evidenced by my odd and eratic postings, i've been completely bogged down with 'stuff.' i've graded 60 of 120 english papers written on the things they carried, by tim o'brien. things have gotten worse with the boy i'm watching. he and 'renzo are absolutely awful together and i've gone from taking things week by week to moment by moment. i feel like i'm going to go crazy. his mom is looking for someone and my drop dead date is october 3rd so i'm trying to hold things together until then. and now, my dad's the smack-putter-downer (a good thing) so the three of us have been working at a mad pace on s&b stuff. i think my head may fall off.