the one where i cry a lot but it feels fairly cleansing and that's a good thing right?

in terms of describable events, the weekend was fairly slow and generic, yeah yeah, both kids won their soccer games, we went for a bike ride on the creek trail, d & i went to see burn after reading (i'm not gonna lie, i luuurved brad pitt), pasta dinner at my dad's house last night. thumbs up all around.

in terms of emotional events it was a longish and cathartic weekend. i cried for the first time in what seems like many many months (a good thing, i'm still in there somewhere) and my dream life has suddenly been blown wide open again. d is challenging to me in ways that i've never been challenged before in a relationship. we're a lot alike. both stubborn to a fault, both have a tendency to be a teeny-tiny bit passive agressive, both terribly independant. um, in my relationships with super passive men (read: bk) this tactic has worked. i would guess it's worked for d also. yeah, not so much with someone so similar. someone has to cave eventually right? (''sagittarius [d] is often considered to have a great potential with aquarius [me] granted they do not overreact to things, as both are given to whims and can be quite temperamental'') let's just say we're learning what works and doesn't work. we have no problems communicating, once one of us starts. god, how have i been such a dick and not known it? in any case, things are hunky dory around here again. *grins*