celeste, tired of being cock-blocked by one douche bag in particular, finally resorts to a mug of chardonnay and stomping around the kitchen

  • he cancelled his visit tonight via text message.
  • i made plans with his sister who is in town visiting. supposed to go to his parents for dinner with the kids.
  • he went behind my back and changed those plans even though i explicitly asked him not to.
  • i'm fucking pissed. again.
  • he's doing it to save face in front of his family.
  • how am i going to deal with this bullshit for the next forever years?
  • bueller?

i'm exceptionally angry and explicit again. i want him to pay his mother-fucking child support. a YEAR. how do you sleep at night? don't call me and thank me in your fake-ass business voice for 'watching the kids for me tonight' like i'm some weak ass babysitter who did you a favour. don't treat me like i had a goddamn choice in the matter. don't act like i might have said 'no' and inadvertantly compare my sense of responsibility to your own. don't fucking call me, period.

dear bk,

please see the urban dictionary definition of 'deadbeat dad.' you're taking lots of my valuable time and energy.

the mother of your children (that lady you keep bending over)