did i stutter?

what i'm reading: dark summit: the true story of mt. everest's most controversial season by nick heil. thanks to d's aunt judy. this is an awesome, fast-paced read that has left me wondering why the hell would anyone ever want to climb this mountain? i just don't get it. don't get rock climbing, mountain climbing, any kind of climbing that means squeezing into some place really really tight or sleeping somewhere with only 30% oxygen and a ton of snow. anywho, good read. something nice to cleanse the palate before a really difficult, yet to be decided upon, novel.

what i'm listening to: the beatles anthology (sets one two and three). i've had this SIX disk collection for about 10 years and it's still a fantastic listen. lots of takes and out takes and commentary and broken glasses and versions of these songs that you've never heard before. i luuuurve disk two on the third set. shit, love 'em all.

what i'm watching: project runway. (it's too early to call; stay tuned.) weeds. (i'm so hooked, it isn't even funny.) penn & teller's bullshit. (d: i don't get it, does teller ever say anything? me: um, no. that's the whole point.)

what i'm online-ing: websleuths. holy shit. how did i miss this? a CRIME SLEUTHING COMMUNITY? awesome. go fug yourself. no really, GO FUG YOURSELF!

what i'm driving: a really frickin' old 21-speed bike with only 7 speeds. i use that awesome pull behind trailer and eek my way up the hill with 65+ pounds of kids in tow and i get. my. errands. done. yes folks, i'm doing my part to spare the air. i ride my bike places. like the grocery store! the dry cleaners! to lunch! and i look cute doing it too. (you'll just have to take my word for it.)

what i'm working on: dad and b and i went and met with the insurance broker today, locked down a temporary kitchen and nailed down our shipping policy (FREE SHIPPING ya'll). good people (helpy people) are falling into our laps and none of us can wait until this is what we're doing, for a living. yee-haw.

who i'm in awe of: my aunt l, who is about to turn 60, but looks 40, and has managed to be one of those women in my life who makes me want to be a better woman and a better human being, simply because she is, so gracefully and so effortlessly. i love you l. sorry we're too broke ass to make it up to your party, but when we scrape together enough, we'll be there. to celebrate. late.

who i'm really flippin' proud of: my mom, who is heading back off to 'big girl' campus on monday with a new (and delightful) service dog. i know it's been difficult, but shit, you're getting really f-ing close now. :D

who i'm laughing at: my uncle d for the gum cigarettes for the kiddos and my aunt k for reading and silently keeping score. ;)

who i'm grateful to: b (can i use your name yet? or carry on in anonymity?), for fighting the undertow and embarking on this awesome and terrifying venture with me.

who i'm loving on: d, for helping me be the kind of woman that can make a man a quesadilla ('knock it off, napoleon, just make yourself a dang quesadilla!') and send him (in the topless wrangler) off to the creedence clearwater concert (looking and smelling like a hottie with his apple-bottom, bad-ass self (oh i so did not just say that!)) at the verylastsecond with friends because shit, just because i'm having a long day doesn't mean he should pass up a fun evening. god knows i wouldn't, given the chance. and d for using the modifier 'so much' tonight after he said he loved me. and like...meaning it, yo.

lyrics i'm sharing: 'two of us' written by paul mccartney
Two of us riding nowhere Spending someone's Hard earned pay You and me Sunday driving Not arriving On our way back home We're on our way home We're on our way home We're going home Two of us sending postcards Writing letters On my wall You and me burning matches Lifting latches On our way back home We're on our way home We're on our way home We're going home You and I have memories Longer than the road that stretches out ahead Two of us wearing raincoats Standing so low In the sun You and me chasing paper Getting nowhere On our way back on our way home We're on our way home We're going home You and I have memories Longer than the road that stretches out ahead Two of us wearing raincoats Standing soloIn the sun You and me chasing paper Getting nowhere On our way back home We're on our way home We're on our way home We're going home We're going home Better believe it

what i'm really excited about: that this guy will be finishing my tattoos, or maybe just starting them. sheeet, you know how that goes. seriously. google 'jeff croci' and look at his myspace and his work in other forums. he does AWESOME color work and i can't wait to have him work on my back. before and afters to follow. my first appt is october 23. thanks for doing the leg work b. i'm lazy.