so essentially, you're full of crap?

we met a man on the train last night told us that st. joe's cathedral in san jose houses several original vermeer paintings. 12 in fact, the stations of the cross. holy estimated $35 million dollars batman. i plan to take maria down there and check out if it's true. supposedly almost nobody knows it, 'less than 20 people.' including me, the bean spiller. *oops*

things aren't working out so well with the little boy i'm watching. he just doesn't blend well with our family/routines at all. i'm trying to hold on until january because i want to be fair about giving his mom plenty of notice but the fact of the matter is, i am desperate for the money. and she's paying me peanuts. ugh. like way under minimum wage.

suddenly i'm desperate to have everything finalized with bk. i'm aching to have it over with so that i can have some financial stability in my life, one way or another. i found out today that parker made the waiting list for the 3-day preschool program (instead of just 2 days) and readily accepted. only to find out that it's $200/month instead of $135/month. it's a STEAL around here but still, i hope to god that bk sees fit to pay his portion so i can keep her in school until child support kicks in.

would you rather...
find out that your neighbor installed a camera years ago that has taped everything that has gone on in your bedroom
your bathroom?

without a doubt, my bedroom. i don't know why exactly, just a gut feel.