can't you hear me percolatin'?

i'm brewing on a longish post about coming to peace with no more children, being afraid of floofy dresses, finding some common ground with a good friend's mom, and what i think about marriage. so, um, tomorrowish i'll post.

in the meantime. zobmondo! (i opened the book randomly, didn't seek this question out. odd, considering the link to the story down below...) (remember, you may not abstain from answering and you may not change the spirit of the question. in other words you can't qualify your answer...)

would you rather...
be completely alone with nobody in the vicinity for one year
never be alone for even one minute for one year?

that's a toughie. think of all the things you like to do in private. like shit for example. (i should note however that it's rare to shit alone after you've had children.) or think. (incidentally this is also a rarity after children.) but NObody for a year. i think i'd be bordering on crazy after a few weeks. maybe because i'm so used to having the kids around. i think i'd shrivel up from missing all the people i love so i have to choose the second option. and you?

an interesting (but VERY disturbing, though ultimately uplifting) story about a 'feral child' if you are so inclined.