It's time to pay the piper. He's gonna reap what he sowed, and it sure ain't corn. Or wheat.

watched a really funny (and strange) movie out of new zealand last night called eagle vs. shark. it stars jermaine from flight of the conchords. worth checking out. it's one of those films that's so awkward you almost can't watch. a teeny bit along the lines of napoleon dynamite. plus it has a really cool soundtrack. anyone else seen this?

parker struggled leaving to go with bk today but i strongly pushed for it. she seemed to be in good spirits when she got home (10 - 15 minutes early). i offered him tomorrow night since we're not leaving for arnold until lateish. he declined. i told him that if mornings worked better for him he was free to take the kids on friday mornings, since he says he's working saturday night's now. he said he'd 'think about it.' i don't think he wants to get up and have them that early in the morning. funny, i've gotten used to never having a chance to sleep in. i think he's gotten used to being able to 7 days a week. must be nice to have such a flexible work schedule.

speaking of flexible work schedule...i'm really really loving this new job writing test questions. i never really was a huge fan of history but i'm enjoying pulling together all these resources and coming up with things that challenge me and that i know will challenge the kids. i find it much less frustrating that grading papers (hiya doug, call me, hope your summer has been dandy) because i can get interrupted and resume instead of interrupted and have to start over. tiny little one question tasks that even i can do with three kids in the house. so yay. and thanks to the mama that thought of me. you can't imagine what a pleasant surprise this has been. go ahead ya'll ask me anything you want about the rise and fall of the roman empire. ;)