whoa, i think i may have *actually* hit my head on the top bunk bed and fainted

the sunglasses are from dolce & gabanna and cost me $450. but really? they're from target and they cost me $7. ;) eh, mike?

bk called and asked if he could come over to say goodbye to the kids before we go out of town. sure. i was serving the kids their dinner and he practically knocked me over trying to help with things i clearly had under control. i went to cut lorenzo's squash and he offered to do it for me. i bent to lift a box of paper and he offered to do it for me. he tried to make conversation. i felt awkward. he started to take out the recycling and then insisted on doing it when i told him to leave it. he asked if i had trash in my bedroom and i stopped him as he crossed the threshold. i'm really not comfortable with you being in my bedroom. 'okay, that's why i asked.' but he didn't really ask and doesn't seem to know why this might be crossing some boundary of mine. he asked if we had someone to watch the house while we're out of town, like it would be appropriate for him to do it. he was in this strange reminicing place tonight and it felt odd because my anger towards him has blurred any desire to remember the good times, and there were so many. his help felt genuine and i wish that we were still divorcing but that he was the guy that was my best friend for 10 years, who i trusted and knew and loved. i think that was where we went wrong; we were such good friends. and nothing more.