take THAT human air bag girl

the cat started vomiting what appears to be blood yesterday and it got to the point this afternoon that she was barfing a bunch of times in an hour. i called the vet and they told me to bring her right in. i spent $407 on x-rays, blood tests, iv fluids and some easy to digest wet food. shoot me now. i can't deal with this. won't know until tomorrow about the results so for now she's locked in the bathroom so the vomit is at least easier to clean up.

on a completely unrelated note, when the hell did it get to be july?

i'm feeling totally overwhelmed by this little boy i'm watching. he and lorenzo are seriously having power struggles. 'renz is almost a full year younger but clearly the more dominant kid and the other boy is a whiner/screamer/flailer. by thursday i'm completely at the end of my rope and sick of getting 25 snacks and breaking up disputes and cleaning up messes and on and on. some days they all really get along fine but i think w is used to being the baby in his family and at my house, pretty much everyone is treated equally regardless of age (within reason of course). in any case, my patience is totally fried and i'm feeling really burnt out. it's completely different watching/dealing with someone else's child. oh, and different also to change their diapers. i'm used to lorenzo's brand.

miss p decided to stay with me last night even though it was a 'daddy day.' if i'm going to be honest with you guys (and i feel i owe you that much, plus i want to offer an honest, if not pretty, representation of what it is to go through something like this) i feel a small victory every time this happens. bk and i have gotten very good at not making a value judgement to miss p about her choices. i remind her that it's a daddy day and tell her the next time she'll have an opportunity to see him and neither of us makes her feel guilty for her choices. but some part of me way down deep feels vindicated that she doesn't see him as the 'fun' house and me as the 'rules' house, the one with all the boring day to day crap. and that she isn't fooled by stuff, like balloons and floofy little dogs. and really really way deep down glad that she still chooses me sometimes, even though he chooses someone else.