the quiet inside OR it's a physical impossibility that she EAT me, right?

i can't tell if i'm finally feeling calm or just resigned or reallyreallyreally nervous and in denial. i think i'm calm. but i've been having a hard time the past few days gauging my own emotions. am i happy? am i pissed? am i irritable? am i irrational? do i really give a crap?

i called bk this morning because d and the kids and i are doing a few mini vacations this month and i wanted to let him know that we'd be out of town and therefore the visitation schedule would be off. he never argues about these things and i truly do appreciate it. we're both pretty easy going about visititation really (i just hate being cancelled on at the last moment). he asked me if we were celebrating 'renzo's birthday tonight. i said yes, with my mom and a couple friends. he indicated strongly that he and miss bk would like to join. so, i told him i'd keep him posted on our exact plans and call him back. which i did, at two. he hemmed and hawed a bit and said he'd have to call me back. an hour later he texted me instead 'ok no on dinner tonight, but thanks for the invite. let's try for next week, something.' like them coming tonight was something i just pulled out of my puckered ass... oh for the love of god.

oh, and visit this site so that i can tell you that 'you got rick rolled'. that would make me happy because it makes NO sense and the video is so bad but still you have to sing along 'cause you know the words, m'kay?