the one where i suck it up

lorenzo is turning two (!!!) on sunday. bk asked me if we were doing anything for him and when i said of course he said 'weren't you going to tell me?' he seemed genuinely disappointed that he might be left out and after doing a bit of thinking on the matter, i've decided to invite him and miss bk to whatever festivities might occur. it's far past time i meet her and if we're all here (or better yet, on neutral territory) to celebrate, things should go okay. if she doesn't bother to show up then i guess that's just how things will be. if she does come then it won't be miserably awkward because i'll have d and my parents and we can just pretend this is all normal and focus on the kids. i want to be able to attend soccer games and school plays and birthday parties over the years and not have things be frigid. i've greatly appreciated that my parents did this for me over the years, so i'm sucking it up for my kids too.

and...who knew?


As a 1930s wife, I am
Very Superior

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