deep breath

bk changed the plans last minute tonight. he's got them from 4 to 7 tonight instead of 6 to 9. no explanation.

my lawyer called and we chatted for about 10-15 minutes and i feel SO much better. he reassured me that i have NOTHING to worry about tomorrow and that the whole thing will take only 20 minutes. he told me to just relax tonight, do something fun, tuck my kiddos into bed, and get a good night's sleep. he also said that he'd talked to bk's lawyer and that he believes that she has no hidden agenda. i think that's been my concern all along, that i'll be caught off guard...again. but anyway, i'm feeling better now about karma and everything in general.

oh and the guy who smogged my car today was half assyrian/half romanian, born very early and had 13 surgeries, speaks six languages, has a mechanical engineering degree and is getting his master's in business, has never been in love, lived in a refugee camp and there, at 18, ran his own mafia that controlled the import of food, shoes, and prostitutes. *big eyes* he talked my futher-muckin' ear off the whole time he was smogging the wrangler and had the most piercing blue eyes and told me that what goes around comes around. i think i might just be inclined to believe him. so there.