the one with the toy chain saw

interesting father's day weekend. i cooked a big breakfast on saturday for my dad and d; d2 proudly set the table all by himself. yesterday bk was out of town for his sister's graduation, my dad worked a double, and d2 went down south to spend the summer with his maternal grandparents so father's day itself was pretty mellow. d did thank me for ''allowing" my kids to spend the day with him; it just felt natural to me. (i realized that d has spent more total days with 'renzo than bk has, by severalfold. i really hope that bk steps up his involvement. okay universe? just putting that out there. good quality time even if it is only a few hours a week!)

what i'm reading under the banner of heaven: a story of violent faith, by jon krakauer. "In 1984, Ron and Dan Lafferty murdered the wife and infant daughter of their younger brother Allen. The crimes were noteworthy not merely for their brutality but for the brothers' claim that they were acting on direct orders from God. In Under the Banner of Heaven, Jon Krakauer tells the story of the killers and their crime but also explores the shadowy world of Mormon fundamentalism from which the two emerged." i'll be the first to admit that i'm a sucker for true crime and also shadowy religious things (i've read pretty extensively on american serial killers and world war two history). afterall, this was the field i was planning to go into. (how exactly does one go from forensic psychology viewing autopsies and visiting the county crime lab in college to making chocolate and changing poopy diapers?) *scratches head* anyway, this book differs from a lot of true crime books in that it is actually well researched and well written. i'm totally suckered in and have been reading it every night until i can't keep my eyes open any more.

what i'm watching the 2006 documentary by amy berg: deliver us from evil. "Amy Berg investigates the life of 30-year pedophile Father Oliver O'Grady and exposes the corruption inside the Catholic Church that allowed him to abuse countless children. A mix of victim stories and a disturbing interview with O'Grady provide a view into the troubled mind of the spiritual leader who moved from parish to parish, gaining the trust of congregations while betraying so many." i would highly recommend this film but must give this WARNING! this movie is a documentary and is VERY disturbing. it is respectfully done but it contains explicit descriptions of the crimes o'grady committed, given by both his victims and o'grady himself. this is NOT a movie suitable for children.

what i'm listening to cesaria evora's 2001 album, sao vicente (the bookmobile strikes again!) this music always makes me think of my aunt linda and i love that feeling. :) it's a nice long cd, perfect for cooking/eating to or just lazing around the house. of course, it may make you long for a beach that looks like the one she's standing on and may have a bit to do with you deciding to start $50/week (even if you have to eat ramen and iceberg lettuce for the next year) so that you can afford to go back to sicily before 2010. and oh yeah, you'd better start working on your boyfriend because he's stubbornly convinced that he'll hate travel (though he's never done it) and you know he'd love the beaches and the food and the drink and the lazing around because he's lazy in the same ways you are... i'm just saying is all.