the planets aligned

so as for the phone call, it will remain a mystery. i don't have caller id. the police didn't know what i was talking about. bk was seemingly puzzled. my guess is that it wasn't a cop and that it was a creditor of some sort. i think he owes someone money.

d2 scored his first goal at his soccer game this morning. unfortunately it was an early game and i had to wait here at the house with the kids to meet bk. so we missed it. boo, but yay for d2. he was very non-chalant about it!

the kids went with bk from 11-3 and d2 saw his mama from 11.30-4, so d and i headed over to the beach. i took the top off the wrangler and felt like we were getting away with something. it was a really beautiful day and austin happened to be down guarding from san francisco so we saw him briefly too.

last night we had a fantastic dinner with forrest and heather and their two beautiful babies. forrest made us fondue and steaks at our place and the kids had a nice time together. miss p wouldn't go with bk (although it was his evening) but 'renzo went for a little bit.

i think we'll go to the farmer's market tomorrow morning.

*le sigh* i like this life, at least parts of it... ;)