haha! remember way back in
september of 2005 when i took a picture of the shell station sign and was all outraged that gas was THREE DOLLARS AND FIVE CENTS A GALLON. *belly chuckle* boy, those were the days huh? good ole 2005. never say never people. i suspect we'll be paying upwards of $4.50 a gallon around these parts come summer time. wasn't gas $3.99/gallon less than two weeks ago? and hey, what are they mixing in with this crap they're selling us? my gas mileage (and everyone else's who i've talked to) has taken a nose dive despite regular tune ups. *scratches head*
bk took the kids to a co-worker's child's birthday party from 11.30 to 3.00 today(schedule says 11.00 to 4.00).

last night i dreamt that d broke up with me. i remember feeling completely devastated (shock) and wanting desperately to cry, but being unable to.
how can this happen to me twice? and before anyone tells me to listen to my gut (or worse, my dreams) let me just admit, i've been stuffing this stuff way down deep for some time now. this is classic psychology (i knew my degree would pay off some day) and has a lot more to do with me than the whos and hows of my current relationship. i cannot possibly convey how little regard i gave this sort of fear seven months ago.
la la la - i can't hear you! (A change like that is just so hard to do, don't let it whip-crack your life. And I'll bow out from the fight - Those old pious sisters were right - the worst part is over, now get back on that horse and ride.) you cannot possibly imagine how big the dream house has gotten, with a room devoted to music with the finest ribbon speakers, a full dark room for my photography so i can go back to film. yes honey, he'd still be your daddy, nothing can change that. i didn't used to be the type of person to do things without lots and lots of thought. have i become the negative of my former self? did something intrinsic in me change or are my circumstances just so dramatically different? please read the comments section, i know a lot of you don't venture in there. thanks anon for sharing your opinions/experiences; i'll speak to them in my post later today. (fwiw, i'm interested to hear other responses to this because i know they'll be varied!)