the incarnation, part two: i wasn't done yet

let me clear a couple of things up right from the outset. i know that i'm young but i'm no fool and whatever i lack in relationship experience (i wasn't done with the last post yet...) i make up for in my ability to reflect on things, and seek therapy when warranted. ;) my intentions/plans with d aren't up for discussion. i've done the hard work of a long-term relationship brfore. shit, i'm still doing the hard work of a long-term relationship. i've worked through issues with partners before and i'm confident in my ability to do so again. i'm pleased to tell you that the relationship i'm in with d possesses none of the co-dependant or unbalanced qualities that my relationship with r had (for which we were both to blame). i'm giving this my best go and truly believe that d is too. i don't expect this man to save me from anything; i love my kids/self and know (from experience) that i can survive/thrive emotionally on my own. that said, d acts on his old-fashioned values, despite his liberal social/political stance, and in that way we are very compatible. i'm not naive enough to believe that love is enough but i'm also not so arrogant as to walk away from a good thing when it's kissing me on the lips. that's all i have to say about that, for now at least.

back to my regularly scheduled post a bit later...