1) thank you to everyone who joined the mailing list way back when and more recently! don't worry, i haven't sent anything yet. you should be getting something from snakeandbutterfly@gmail.com by next friday. we plan to send out a bunch of samples. there will also be information about a paypal account for those of you that want to help out with shipping (who am i kidding? i'd like to call it the 'let's all give a resounding middle finger to bk because i'm working towards financial independence' cause but that sounded too wordy...) or because you lurrrve the chocolate so much you wanna buy your sample. ;D
2) the wedding dress poll has closed! looks like pink won out with turquoise coming in second. i may do some combo of the two. time to head to storage and pull the thing out. look for pictures! this should be funteresting.
3) wednesday is my birthday. yipes.
4) on that note, when the hell did it become february. i think i had a brain burp somewhere back around halloween. the holidays are over?
5) croup is apparently inheritable. 'renzo's got it. bad. :/ most kids outgrow it by six. i STILL get it.
6) i was goofing around on youtube today and stumbled upon (isn't that always how it happens on youtube?) ImprovEverywhere. funny/cool stuff y'all. watch the videos. the 'frozen grand central' one is pretty awesome.
2) the wedding dress poll has closed! looks like pink won out with turquoise coming in second. i may do some combo of the two. time to head to storage and pull the thing out. look for pictures! this should be funteresting.
3) wednesday is my birthday. yipes.
4) on that note, when the hell did it become february. i think i had a brain burp somewhere back around halloween. the holidays are over?
5) croup is apparently inheritable. 'renzo's got it. bad. :/ most kids outgrow it by six. i STILL get it.
6) i was goofing around on youtube today and stumbled upon (isn't that always how it happens on youtube?) ImprovEverywhere. funny/cool stuff y'all. watch the videos. the 'frozen grand central' one is pretty awesome.