i just need to put out there to whomever that i'm feeling happy with my current life (aside from the obvious) and in my current relationship. d2's mama has been barfing for the last couple of days and d (being the good father that he is) has had d2 so she can rest up. they've been over here the last two nights after work/school. chaos has ensued. but it has been a happy family-ish chaos and i like it. the three kids are maniacs together and dinner is insane but my house is noisy and full of giggles and squeals (okay, screams) and lots of tiny (okay, BIG) messes and i'm doing laundry for five people and it all makes me, and incidentally miss p and 'renzo really really really happy. okay? so thank you for that, life.
and thank you for letting me have $75 dollars in my checking account this month because it made grocery shopping feel like i was getting away with something. damn if i didn't get a big bunch of grapes and two avocados and five zucchinis and one red bell pepper and a bag of crimini mushrooms and an onion and three tomatoes (organic!) and a head of red leaf lettuce (organic!) and broccoli (organic!) and three potatoes. everyone should be poor once in their life to feel the joy of splurging on produce. thank you thank you thank you. and thank you california government (by way of wic) for the world's most expensive two pound block of extra sharp tillamook cheddar cheese that the cashier said 'they let you get the extra sharp?!' and i said why yes, they do! and for the 20 pounds of beans and 6 jars of peanut butter that i've been stockpiling 'just in case' for the last several months.
seriously, it's amazing what people can survive. (documenting no visitation yesterday or today.)
and thank you for letting me have $75 dollars in my checking account this month because it made grocery shopping feel like i was getting away with something. damn if i didn't get a big bunch of grapes and two avocados and five zucchinis and one red bell pepper and a bag of crimini mushrooms and an onion and three tomatoes (organic!) and a head of red leaf lettuce (organic!) and broccoli (organic!) and three potatoes. everyone should be poor once in their life to feel the joy of splurging on produce. thank you thank you thank you. and thank you california government (by way of wic) for the world's most expensive two pound block of extra sharp tillamook cheddar cheese that the cashier said 'they let you get the extra sharp?!' and i said why yes, they do! and for the 20 pounds of beans and 6 jars of peanut butter that i've been stockpiling 'just in case' for the last several months.
seriously, it's amazing what people can survive. (documenting no visitation yesterday or today.)