not another list

1) you had me at hermaphrodite.

2) it is seriously cute to hear the kids singing along to "hallelujah," the rufus wainwright version. parker inevitably changes some of the refrains to "happy new year." pretty pretty pretty good.

3) lorenzo started scrunching up his nose and saying "no way!" when i ask him to do/get something.

4) my horoscope in redbook looked very promising. do you think she was just saying it to make me feel good? (and also, those "21 ways to drive your guy wild in bed!" aren't all that inventive if you ask me...)

5) the movie shoot 'em up with clive ownen and paul giamatti was dumb. d and i turned it off. it felt like a quentin tarantino rip off. BUT, it did seem to be pro-breastfeeding, which was cool.

6) don't worry. the fda assures me it is okay to eat cloned animals.

7) speaking of eating animals, ya know, 'cause i'm evil ... i've been thinking about how much i would hate to give up bacon, if say, i was to become a vegan. i really love me some blt (+avocado) and i thought of that last night while i was eating one at 11.30 over a shared glass of moderately yucky wine.

8) i'm just saying is all.

9) avert your eyes if you are a veg*n.

10) for the record, i'd also miss: eggs, cheese, sushi, ice cream (the soy stuff didn't do it for me when i was nursing parker), my full length black leather skirt, my down comforter, bacon (did i mention bacon?), ribs, filet, salmon, oh so so so much stuff... which is not to say that i don't shop responsibly and buy free range/organic when at all possible. 'cause i believe in the ethical treatment of animals and humans, particularly little ones that have been birthed from my nether regions.

11) carry on.

12) have you been over to my dad's blog yet?

13) there's only one thing that i can do, i feel cheeta-ish, how about you?

14) meme is in south africa y'all. do you know how crazy that is? oh, and why'd you privatize your blog?

15) yes, that was me standing behind the door making the international gesture for "gag me" as i heard bk tell parker in his ridiculous embroidery butted jeans (duuude. you look laaaame.) that auntie bk is waiting in the car! yay!