so my aunt terri got me the best gift money can buy (seriously): a target gift card. i luuurve target. they have good business practices (especially compared to walmart), they donate 5% of their profits to charity, they have everything i didn't know i needed (and more), and they make me feel sentimental for no reason at all. target is so near and dear to my heart that it was the first place i ventured two novembers ago after bk left. some people drink; i go to target. i don't even have to buy anything, just being there makes me feel better. okay. ANYway...
i decided to spend my gift card on myself, some unnecessary items, instead of household stuff, like cat litter. well, whaddaya know ... my purse is falling apart (i have several backups)! a new purse is the perfect spoil myself item! so the kids and i went to *drumroll* target in search of a purse. and guess what? every single purse there was made in china. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.
i didn't get a new purse today. *wah*
i decided to spend my gift card on myself, some unnecessary items, instead of household stuff, like cat litter. well, whaddaya know ... my purse is falling apart (i have several backups)! a new purse is the perfect spoil myself item! so the kids and i went to *drumroll* target in search of a purse. and guess what? every single purse there was made in china. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.
i didn't get a new purse today. *wah*