2) kids had their checkups with sabina today. their stats are as follows... parker: 39'' and 31 pounds 10 ounces lorenzo: 33.5" (75-90%) and 26 pounds 8 ounces (50%) and head is 19.75" (95% extra large brain...?) both are developmentally on track or ahead for their respective ages (no duh).
3) ROCK THE VOTE. vote in your local primary and more importantly, vote in my poll! only a couple weeks left to vote on what color i should dye my wedding dress. ;o)
4) b and i purchased two pieces of machinery for our business: a temperer and and a refining machine. we will be taking orders for valentines day. if you are on the mailing list you should be recieving an email soon. if you aren't on the mailing list --> sign up! <---

5) saturday was also bill's memorial celebration. the crowd remembered him for two hours with laughter and tears, many of them in elaborate dicken's or renaissance costumes. this man was loved by SO many people. the kids came with me but bk didn't want parker to "celebrate a dead guy" (who he knew for 6 years and purportedly liked) on her birthday, so she only stayed for about a half hour before he picked her (and only her) up with a ridiculous show of balloons and flowers (because every four year girl old wants a crappy bouquet for her birthday and how hard would it have been to get a second one for the grieving widow?) we compromised on this issue because i didn't want to make it a HUGE deal but i did want my kids to honor bill's life and passing. i believe that kids are capable of handling death and just because the celebration (with lots of kids) happened to fall on her birthday didn't mean i wanted to forgo the thing entirely. that's life...and death. she still celebrated her birthday in style. and lorenzo got a cute pair of devil horn's from this guy since he got to stay.