we're up in the sacramento area for the holiday and i'm still in denial that it's thanksgiving. (there's no way i can blog under these circumstances!) it's nice to be around family (this is me mentioning gigi and terri and karen *diarrhea of the freaking keyboard* and my mom and everyone else that wanted to be mentioned, yo).
the last couple of days have been more of the same. blah blah blah. sick kids. bk being less than helpful (seriously, how hard is it to entertain a three year old for an hour and a half?) me, out with b doing chocolate work. you know, to earn money since he doesn't give me any. and i get a call saying the kids are kind of cranky, when are you coming home? no emergency, he doesn't have to be anywhere. you know, they're just kind of cranky. is he making himself more trouble than he's worth so i won't ask him to help anymore? does he think that it's someone else's job now? fuck it, who cares. i'm tired of speculating. i've got my paperwork with me and i'm determined to fill it out this weekend.
borrowed laptop is about to die. bbl!
the last couple of days have been more of the same. blah blah blah. sick kids. bk being less than helpful (seriously, how hard is it to entertain a three year old for an hour and a half?) me, out with b doing chocolate work. you know, to earn money since he doesn't give me any. and i get a call saying the kids are kind of cranky, when are you coming home? no emergency, he doesn't have to be anywhere. you know, they're just kind of cranky. is he making himself more trouble than he's worth so i won't ask him to help anymore? does he think that it's someone else's job now? fuck it, who cares. i'm tired of speculating. i've got my paperwork with me and i'm determined to fill it out this weekend.
borrowed laptop is about to die. bbl!