tracy says a $3 bra is like a unicorn, right?

happy thanksgiving, yo.

i'm thankful for all the usual stuff: my wonderful family (who has helped me immensely in raising my kids this past year), my friends (who have supported me unfailingly through my pissing and moaning), my home (which miraculously i'm still in), my job (doug, thank you), my other job (b, we'll be making gaboos and gaboos of money soon and we'll eat like kings). i'm thankful for the new people that have come into my life (i'd like to believe that i manifested you d) and the old people who have come back into my life after many many years (maybe i manifested you too j & a & & &). my life is in so many ways more full than it has ever been. i'm thankful that r left me. i can say that and mean it finally. i'm thankful for that because i would never have bothered to change in the ways that i've changed. i would never have claimed the things i've begun to claim.