him: i don't know if you know this but i thought i should tell you i was in europe with miss buzzkill.
me: yeah, i knew.
him: okay and i thought you should hear it from me we moved in together.
me: okay. *color me not surprised*
him: and i don't know if you really want to talk to me about this or not but i know some things about b and i don't know if you know them and i'm just not sure if i should tell you or not.
me: are you telling me because you want to hurt me or what?
him: no, you know, i want you to be happy and if he makes you happy then that's great i just don't want you to get hurt. you know, i'm looking out for you. because i hear stuff and i just think you should know 'cause i don't really care if you're dating or if you are just friends or business partners or what but i just, i hear the other side and i thought you'd want to know. 'cause it shouldn't be weird or whatever. but i hear that you guys have lunch and go to concerts and stuff. and i'd want to know...
and then he proceeded to share restaurant gossip and generally slander b while ocassionally adding that i know b better than he does and he doesn't really care and it's really none of his business (really? ya think?) but he doesn't want me to get hurt. thank god my friends are looking out for me! *wipes brow*
i just laughed and said: "don't you think this is all a little ironic coming from you?"
it took me a moment (after we hung up) to realize that he's just to throw me off balance. and he gave me the one-two punch. "look how great things are for me! and by the way, the guy you are going into business with, you can't trust him." the protesting about not caring was a little too much. i'm very proud of myself for staying calm and not engaging in an emotional way. now, to not let him ruin things for me...