life's a beach

hmm, not sure how to start this. how about here: yesterday i woke up with a sense of relief because i knew (or strongly suspected) that r was out of the country (or at least my zip code). the thought of not having to deal with any of that for TEN whole days feels like a mexican vacation to me (without the dysentery and nasty sunburn)! par-tay.

earlier in the week i decided that one of the really cool things about not dating right now is that i can safely introduce b and parker. yesterday we were planning on going swimming but the pool was too chilly so we decided to take the kids over santa cruz instead. he drove my wrangler over ('cause i hate driving the hill) and we stopped by staff of life to check out the chocolate selection (they have nothing even close to what we're making, good news). he and parker got 4 boxes of organic gummy bears (each with 4 individual bags) and the two of them ate all of them during the course of the day. anyway, then we went and had some pizza and went to the beach. before long the kids were nakey and b and i were soaked to our knees, in jeans of course. kids had suits, we didn't, so we went to a thrift store on 41st (and there are a gazillion around there) and each found a pair of board shorts. p and b wound up spending a good deal of time in the water. 'renzo mostly enjoyed the sensation of rolling around naked in the sand and i just tried to take the whole thing in. we came back here and went to the hottub and then i made polenta with the rest of noni's red sauce. parker got the last meatball, curse her!

i've got a lot more to say about this but it's 11.31 and i'm tired. i'll post the "feelings" part of this in the morning.

no call from r yesterday or today.