i hate carob.

carob works on the principle that, when mixed with the right combination of fats and sugar, it can duplicate chocolate in color and texture. of course, the same can be said of dirt. - sandra boynton

i haven't been this excited about something in a really long time. i met with b today (despite r cancelling on me at the very last minute - he has his hearing on monday and waited until the last minute to go get booked). we went over some very initial things in terms of setting up a business (make it a partnership vs. a limited liability corporation) and talked about some of the more fun stuff like packaging, names, production, tasting. i'm going to be working on things like licences and permits, getting us a bank account, ordering ingredients, etc while he continues to perfect the recipes. he's working on chocolate and macaroons. i'm going to experiment with some pavlova recipies.

i was a little nervous to ask him if he wanted me to be a partner or an employee. he sort of said "no duh, you're working, you're a partner." i couldn't believe it. i've felt really devalued in my intelligence, appearance, humour, blah blah blah in the past several months and to have someone (who i respect) see some value in me has been nice.

the business concept is fairly simple: really rich, yummy, organic, handmade chocolates/cookies/desserts. edible art. the packaging is going to be really beautiful and you'll feel that you've still got a piece of wonderfulness even after the food aspect is gone. i'm looking into farmer's markets and local small-ish businesses to sell to. we talked about the fact that in the future we can open an actual storefront...maybe a coffee/tea/bookshop-ish place. a place where i can collect rare antique books (and publish my own) and he can showcase his art or something corny like that. this is so not like me. or rather, it IS like me, but a bolder more incredible me.

i hope to have a gala/opening event-ish thingie sometime before christmas as sort of a kick-off. stay tuned to the blog because hopefully we'll get a website up and running soon. you know, so all you mdc mama's and family and friends and blogstalkers (yes, YOU) can share in the chocolate love, help a mama out. ;o)

have i mentioned that i'm excited?