"ever notice that even the worst bastards have friends?"

last night's midnight cinema featured the oscar nominated film in the bedroom starring sissy spacek, tom wilkinson, nick stahl (who is cute-ish but looks just ever so slightly off and made me do doubletakes throughout the whole movie) and marisa tomei (who is lovely in such a brooklin-ish way and who did her finest work in my cousin vinny if you want the honest-to-god truth (mona lisa vito: "imagine you're a deer. you're prancing along. you get thirsty. you spot a little brook. you put your little deer lips down to the cool, clear water - BAM. a fuckin' bullet rips off part of your head. your brains are lying on the ground in little bloody pieces. now i ask ya, would you give a fuck what kind of pants the son-of-a-bitch who shot you was wearing?")). (<--that was run-on-y). depressing film. but good. and made me think hey, she's a single mom with two kids. she understands the awkwardness of getting back in the game. she knows my struggles. but at least there is very little chance of r shooting my boyfriend in the head like richard did! things could always be worse!

anyway, tonight i have to pack for our trip (family reunion) so i guess maybe no movie. but. i may see b. i'll try to post up at my aunt's this weekend if anything "interesting" happens.