"is this rotten or wonderfully brave?"

last night after the kids were asleep i got my mini portable dvd player (we don't own a tv), my headphones, a glass of milk, and some of those cute mini powdered donuts (gee, thanks grandpa & yes, i am starting an organic chocolate business) and propped myself up in bed (between my two most faithful sidekicks) and watched a movie. i haven't done that since before r left. it was lovely.

i watched the spoofy-goofy adventure of sherlock holmes' smarter brother, starring gene wilder and madeline kahn. just perfect for the mood i was in. and in case you are wondering how i settled on this particular movie, i rent from the library bookmobile that stops directly in front of my house every other friday. not a ton of choices but it's free and i see stuff that i wouldn't ordinarily watch.

(incidentally gene wilder's wife gilda radner and friend madeline kahn BOTH died of ovarian cancer. please support my mom in her efforts to make a prayer quilt for our friends fighting ovarian cancer by knitting/crocheting an 8 inch square. details in the side bar on the left. <--)

is it wrong that i find 1975 gene wilder a tiny bit sexy? maybe it is that he stars in one of my top ten favorite movies of all time: willy wonka and the chocolate factory. while i luuuuurve me some johnny depp, i really liked the aforementioned better than charlie and chocolate factory.

"my name is jenny hill, and i am simultaneously funny and sad."