r just called me and demanded that everything change. that he will not continue to work as much as he is and he'll watch the kids while i get a part time job. that he wants to be a good dad and he can't be because he's too tired. he says his mom will watch the kids for 4-6 hours one day a week and my parents will do the same. he'll "die" if he has to do this anymore. literally die. i panicked. completely. told him i'm not getting a job but begged him not to disrupt parker's stability any more. i got completely ruffled and i'm so upset with myself. i told him i'd take out a loan to give him his portion of the equity in the house. he can have his fucking money. he has me so scared all the time about the kids that i've lost all ability to think straight. i'm terrified that if i get a lawyer and go to court i'll risk losing more time and they'll impose overnights for the kids. what the hell do i do?
he told me he is unable to communicate with me in any other manner because of how i've set up patterns in the past. that he doesn't know any other way than to call and make demands but "yeah, he probably could have asked me for help in a nicer way."
he told me he is unable to communicate with me in any other manner because of how i've set up patterns in the past. that he doesn't know any other way than to call and make demands but "yeah, he probably could have asked me for help in a nicer way."