lo estan demandando

just focus on the new fish. focus on the new fish. live in the new fish moment. the new fish will make you happy. the new fish will distract you from the rubble.

our fish napoleon (a beautiful 2.5 year old beta) died the day before we went out of town camping. parker and i buried him in the yard and i took the opportunity to do a brief overview of death, loss, the inability to replace the things that we've lost, even if we get new things. you know, like fathers. and faith in the goodness of humankind. so tonight we got a new fish and here i am trying to distract myself from today's casualties.

it was awful. i don't know what i expected. i mean, i survived it but it sucked. i was served, caught off guard right as i was getting comfortable with the mediator. i cried when i swore i wouldn't. but i suppose i lived through it. we figured out what we're doing about the car. we are getting the house appraised and i'll likely be buying him out of his half. he's nickel and diming me about support. he doesn't seem to think it is his responsibilty. and he's upset because he has no money. but look at me, i'm rollin' in it. i burn money to keep warm at night because i don't have enough room to store all the cash. *sarcasm*

he will not back down on the issue of introducing the kids to the "other woman." (shall we take a vote on how to refer to her like they do on perezhilton? "ow" seems somehow appropriate, eh? cause damn, that hurts. but then, brangelina has quite a ring to it too, doesn't it?) i will not back down either on this one. not because of who she is or how this happened but because i will not see miss p's heart further broken because it's "unrealistic" to wait. that is the big argument. that it's unrealistic because he only has so much free time and why shouldn't they all spend the time together like some happy fucking family? he says we don't have to tell parker who she is, just that she's daddy's friend. 'cause you know...she's deaf, dumb and blind. he claims to want more time with them. guess who cancelled on them again today? no call. no duh.