isn't it incredible

that my first reaction after reading all the comments is to jump to his defense? this cannot possibly be r that we're talking about. i'd like to say "no, he'd never dream of stealing things out of the house; changing the locks is ridiculous!" but what the hell do i know about this person?

on a lighter note ... jerry falwell died, a man who said such incredibly brilliant things as this:

AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals.

and this:
It appears that America's anti-Biblical feminist movement is at last dying, thank God, and is possibly being replaced by a Christ-centered men's movement which may become the foundation for a desperately needed national spiritual awakening.

and this:
I listen to feminists and all these radical gals - most of them are failures. They've blown it. Some of them have been married, but they married some Casper Milquetoast who asked permission to go to the bathroom. These women just need a man in the house. That's all they need. Most of the feminists need a man to tell them what time of day it is and to lead them home. And they blew it and they're mad at all men. Feminists hate men. They're sexist. They hate men - that's their problem.

anyway, condolences to his family. i'm sure they'll miss him.