
99.9% of r's stuff is gone from the house. yesterday i went through the freezer and threw away all the stuff that had been in there for too long, from before. the bag of berries we bought to make smoothies while i was pregnant, some post-partum soups, a fish he caught last season.

we also traded cars. i got my 2000 jeep wrangler back and gave him to 2005 ford focus wagon. while that is the more "family" car i'm worried that when the spousal support ends i won't be able to make the payments. the jeep is paid off and was a graduation present from gigi and popo. anyway, it didn't hurt to give him the ford but getting the jeep back was strange. he's been driving it for a few years. it smells like him. i found some papers in it from when we went to paris last time. but somehow, it's also strangely sterile and it's going to take a while to feel like mine again. we had good times in that car.

he came over yesterday at 5.40 to play with the kids. seemed out of it in that way that he had a couple of months ago. unable to concentrate, just weird. he said he wasn't feeling well. yeah? join the club. he watched the kids until about 8.15 and then split, not noticing that he left a dinner mess for me to clean up.