p woke up starving this morning. very unusual for her. she ate a giant bowl of oatmeal and some black olives. she watched about 10 minutes of mr. rogers on her dvd player and started to make weird noises. i got her a barf bowl, just in case. sure enough, she threw up. tons. i give her kudos for getting 99% of it in the bowl! anyway, i called r (waking him up at 10.45am)and told him p was sick and maybe we should cancel dinner tonight. yeah, fine, let me know if you need anything. p decided she wanted me to make her some chicken soup. i call r and ask if he can get some groceries so i don't have to drag the kids out. yeah, sure, fine. so he comes over with groceries and p asks him to stay and he says no, he's going fishing with his dad. i say, well, since you aren't coming tonight i thought maybe you could stay at least until i get the soup cooking. no, he's really got to go. he had the decency to look vaguely uncomfortable though. oh, but he seemed irritated that i took his tools out of the shed because he has nowhere to put them. *boingo!*